Tuesday, October 25, 2005

There’s a Time and a Place for Wonkitude

I know, I know, it might be Fitzmas today. And I’m excited too, don’t get me wrong. But right now, there’s something under the radar that you may not have noticed.

Alan Greenspan, Bush apologist and Fed chairman, is retiring soon. (Rumor has it that Andrea Mitchell wears him out in the sack.) Bush nominated this new guy that I bet you’ve never heard of - Ben Bernanke. I was worried at first. I mean, when you think of the Michael Browns and the Harriet Mierses, the new guy was likely to have been the dude who did Bush’s taxes back when he used to drop off his receipts in a shoebox at H&R Block every April 14th.

But alas, my new favorite Slate columnist Bruce Reed uncovered an unlikely endorsement from none other than the New York Times’ wonkiest wonk Paul Krugman from January of this year.

If Mr. Bernanke were appointed directly from his current Fed position to the chairmanship, there would be general acclaim.
I guess they worked together back at Princeton, but no matter. If The Krug is into him, I’m down.

*sigh* And just like that I can no longer say, “Bush has never done a single thing right in five years.” A bit of a letdown, innit...


Anonymous said...

and when he resigns to avoid impeachment, that will be a second right thing he's done.

lifeintheG said...

From your lips to god's ears, my friend...