Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A: I Dunno, Murder a Taiwanese Hooker Maybe...

Q: What does a Republican politician have to do to not get re-elected?

Ethical horror-show Tom DeLay managed to win the Republican primary for his House seat with a whopping 64% of the votes, despite the whole indictment for money-laundering thing, and the ties to Jack Abramoff, and the lying about those ties, and you know, just generally being a douchebag. Which I guess just goes to show that the old proverb is correct: Republicans love lying, cheating, stealing douchebags, but hate blow-jobs.


lifeintheG said...

If he murdered the hooker in Taiwan, he'd get away with it. He'd have to wander Pennsylvania Avenue high on crystal with blood on his shirt, a knife in one hand and the hooker's severed finger in the other. Oh, and it would have to be on tape.

Matthew Smith said...

So...OJ has a shot if he runs on the GOP ticket?