Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Little Skit

Dedicated to Harry Reid and friends! Enjoy!

Mother (to Bratty Child): Ok, Junior, mommy and daddy are going out. We’ve called a very nice honors student to baby-sit for you.
Bratty Child: Waaaah! I don’t want an honors student! I want Priscilla!
Mother: But honey, Priscilla is a crack-head who lets her crack-head friends come over and steal all of our stuff so they can sell it to buy crack! Also, she calls mommy a dirty whore and flushes her birth control pills down the toilet.
Bratty Child: WAAAAAAH!!! I DON’T CARE, I WANT PRISCILLA! And if I don’t get Priscilla, I’ll burn the house down!
Mother: But if you do that, we’ll have no place to live!
Bratty Child: WAAAAAAAAAH!!! I don’t CARE! I want PRISCILLA! And if I don’t get her, I’ll burn our house down!
Mother: But, you’ll be hurting yourself too!
Bratty Child: WAAAAAAAAH!!! I don’t care! I want Priscilla!
Mother: Well, ok honey. But we have to make a deal. I’ll let Priscilla baby-sit you if you promise not to burn the house down.
Bratty Child: Ok, I promise! WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Mother (to Father): Whew, that was a close one! But it looks like we won that one!

Mother and Father go off to the movies. They come back to find the last of a long line of crack-heads running out of their house carrying armloads of the family’s valuables.
Mother (to Father): Well, at least the house hasn’t been burned down! It still looks like we won!

One week later, Mother and Father want to go out to another movie.

Mother: Ok, Junior, mommy and Daddy are going out. We’ve called a very nice honors student to baby-sit for you.
Bratty Child (holding a lighted match and a can of gasoline): WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I don’t want an honors student! I want William!
And scene! The moral of the story? Um, maybe it's "You don't win by giving in to spoiled brats." Or maybe it's "You can burn the house down, but you have to live in it too, dumbass." Or perhaps it's "Who in their right mind would want to have kids?"

1 comment:

eRobin said...

That hit the nail on the head. And it was funny too :)