Friday, May 06, 2005

Scopes Episode II - Revenge of the Moron

This is what I'm talking about, my worshipping friends. Down in Kansas, this very day, they're in a fucking courtroom debating whether or not to teach our children science or fantasy.

In the first of three daylong hearings being referred to here as a direct descendant of the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee, a parade of Ph.D.'s testified Thursday about the flaws they saw in mainstream science's explanation of the origins of life. It was one part biology lesson, one part political theater, and the biggest stage yet for the emerging movement known as intelligent design, which posits that life's complexity cannot be explained without a supernatural creator.
See, that's not how it's done. Do these right-wingers think that some guy just done thunk this up, said it is so, and it spread throughout the world based on the word of that guy and his friends, (like some other movements I might mention, by the way)? Well, that's not what happens. Scientists do years of research, present it in conferences, write books, expose the theory to any number of attacks and critique, and after, what's it been 100 years or so, the scientists accept evolution as a legitimate working theory, that oh yeah - just so happens to fit all of the available evidence. Did any lawyers or politicians sit down with Einstein after he presented his Theory of Relativity? Did anyone sit down with Newton?

And the one line in this article that pisses me off most of all:
"Any science that weathers the criticism and survives is a better theory for it," Mr. Thaxton said.
Just saying you don't believe something is not criticism! To criticize something, you actually have to have a FACT that contradicts the theory in question. Do you have ONE FACT to either contradict evolution or support the Genesis model of Creationism? Just one? No?

1 comment:

emeryroolz said...

I have one! I hate snakes. Therefore snakes must be evil. Since the book of Genesis also says snakes are evil, then the book of Genesis must be true! In your face, Dork-win!