Monday, March 28, 2005

Check Out the Size of That Hypocrisy

Oh, Tom DeLay, how is it that one man can be so chock full of shit? What is the deal with Republicans who apply one standard to their family, and another to everyone else? There's gay-hating Cheney and his lesbian daughter. There's Newt Gingrich decrying Clinton's fling with Monica, while dumping his wife for his young assistant. Now, there's Tom DeLay, a favorite at the DoG, saying that anyone who supports Michael Schiavo is a monster, yet when faced with his own father's vegetative state, he had no problem making the same exact decision as Michael Schiavo, (albeit with the privacy that he refuses to grant Mr. Schiavo). Furthermore, the champion of eliminating so-called frivolous lawsuits, turned around and sued the manufacturer of the machine that put his father in that coma. This guy really has a pair, doesn't he?

DeLay is among the strongest advocates of keeping the woman, who doctors say has been in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years, connected to her feeding tube. DeLay has denounced Schiavo's husband, as well as judges, for committing what he calls "an act of barbarism" in removing the tube.

In 1988, however, there was no such fiery rhetoric as the congressman quietly joined the sad family consensus to let his father die.

In 1990, the DeLays filed suit against Midcap Bearing Corp. of San Antonio and Lovejoy Inc. of Illinois, the distributor and maker of a coupling that the family said had failed and caused the tram to hurtle out of control.

The family's wrongful death lawsuit accused the companies of negligence and sought actual and punitive damages. Lawyers for the companies denied the allegations and countersued the surviving designer of the tram system, Jerry DeLay.

The case thrust Rep. DeLay into unfamiliar territory — the front page of a civil complaint as a plaintiff. He is an outspoken defender of business against what he calls the crippling effects of "predatory, self-serving litigation."

The DeLay family litigation sought unspecified compensation for, among other things, the dead father's "physical pain and suffering, mental anguish and trauma," and the mother's grief, sorrow and loss of companionship.

Their lawsuit also alleged violations of the Texas product liability law.
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy... It's ok for you, but not for anyone else, huh? What if your lawsuit prevented this company for making more of these defective products, and you actually prevented another family from having to make the same difficult decision you were forced to make? Isn't that a good thing? Isn't that what the "culture of life" is supposed to be about?

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