Thursday, January 06, 2005

Gonzales Promises Non-Torture Policy

That is the headline from an AP article about the upcoming attorney general confirmation hearings.

Hold on a second and think about that. We're about to consider (and probably approve) an attorney general, the highest law enforcement officer in the country, who has to start out the hearings by promising not to torture anyone. Do we live in Syria? Shouldn't that be, like, a given? But the AG that Bush chose - nope. He has to fucking promise not to torture anyone, and they have to put it in the headline. I guess because he has a history of torture. It reminds one of a heroin addict that you're about to hire to come walk your dog while you're out of town: "I promise not to do any more heroin, nor will I steal your stuff. I promise!" Yeah, right...

Tell you what, faithful DoG readers, on the record right now - I also promise not to torture you. You're welcome! Don't be taking that for granted...

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