Wednesday, August 24, 2005

High Treason!

What sort of hippy, coward, faggot, liberal, terrorist-appeasing, panty-waist pussy would have the audacity to criticize the Commander-in-Chief during a time of war?

Apparently, this commie bastard 73-year-old Army veteran who was at the President's speech the other day, that’s who. America, pal! Love it or leave it!! Maybe it would have been better if you had been killed back there in Normandy or Korea or wherever the hell you were fighting for our freedom. If you love terrorists so much, why don’t you marry them, huh?

I just don't get it. These Hate America First assholes have it in their heads all of a sudden that just because they fought in a foreign war or their kid was killed fighting terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them over here that they have the "right" to just say whatever they want! Don't they know that only people who have never fought in anything in their lives are qualified to make judgments about war? It's called keeping proper perspective - ideally the perspective one gets from staying drunk in Texas for the entire duration of any conflict.

This traitor makes me sick.


Anonymous said...

YOU make me sick.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the first comment got the sarcasm.

lifeintheG said...

What is this "sarcasm" of which you speak?

emeryroolz said...

Oh, GOOD one. That was REAL funny.

Matthew Smith said...

I like to use Team USA when playing FIFA 2002 on my old Playstation. Does that count as fighting for my country?

emeryroolz said...

Buying a Japanese game system instead of the American Xbox, eh? Why do you hate America?!

lifeintheG said...

Not to mention playing a pansy French game like soccer instead of a MAN'S game like real football or Grand Theft Auto. Why DO you hate America?

Matthew Smith said...

Why do I hate America? Because America bent me over a pinball machine and gang raped me.

Wait a second, that wasn't me -- that was Kelly McGillis in the opening scene of "Witness". I always get us confused...

emeryroolz said...

Amish people don't play pinball! You're thinking of The Accused, Frenchy!

Matthew Smith said...
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Matthew Smith said...

I stink. I knew it was "The Accused" (looked uo the imdb page to double-check) and yet I still wrote "Witness". I should have my priveldges revoked...and I don't just mean on this board. I am the worst.

Perhaps I was just re-living my oft-fantasized scene of being gang raped by Amish men breaking their ways by frequenting a seedy bar. Oh well, a boy can dream, right?

emeryroolz said...

Ah, the Amish, is there anything they CAN'T do? Uh, besides driving cars and watching TV and stuff I guess...