Friday, April 15, 2005

Shut Up and Fill the Perscription!

I'm sure everyone has heard about this Nutty Nutterson by now:

Imagine walking into a pharmacy and timidly handing over your prescription for Viagra, only to hear a lecture on the potential damage the drug can do your health, along with a few choice comments on the morality of your lifestyle.

It wouldn't have happened if you took that prescription to Karen Brauer, a pharmacist at a suburban Cincinnati Kmart. She would have filled that prescription happily. "I helped a whole lot of old married men get lucky," she said.

But, if that man's wife came in with a prescription for birth control pills, she would have gotten a very different reaction. If the prescription called for a heavy dose "morning after" contraceptive, she would have refused to fill it. If it was for the traditional monthly pills, she might have filled it, but at a price.

"I'd work on them every month. I'd say, 'Hey, when are you going to get off the pill?' " said the Catholic pharmacist who serves as president of Pharmacists for Life International.

The Ohio-based group has gotten a lot of press as pundits debate last week's decision by Gov. Blagojevich to use his executive powers to ensure women in Illinois have access to the drugs their doctors have prescribed, whether pharmacists like it or not.

I don't even know where to begin. First off, nice double-standard, giving out the old boner pills to the men but screwing over the women. Although that's par for the course with Catholicism (reason number 1291 why I gave it up many years ago).

Second, you work and fucking K-Mart. You're like a step above selling Garden Weasels at the Blue Light Special cart. Stop being so high and mighty.

Third, if you want to be a pharmacist, do your fucking job. If you work at McDonald's you can't get away with refusing to sell fries to women because you find the thought of them putting someting long and thin into their mouths morally objectionable. If you're a bartender, you can't get away with refusing to serve coktails to women because you're uncomfortable with them putting something with the word "cock" in it near their mouths. Thank god this woman was fired. Furthermore, she should be banned from ever working as a pharmacist again.

And fourth, good job, Governor Blag...oh..jojo...vovovich. Nice to see that there are a few politicians who don't have their lips firmly planted on the snowy-white buttocks of the religious nuts of this country. You might consider a shorter name though. Or maybe a cool nickname. Might I suggest "Blag the Impaler?"

Now for a final word from the K-Mart Krusader:

Morally, she sees birth control, particularly the morning-after pill, as a form of abortion. And, she said, her refusal to dispense chemical birth control pills is good for women's health. "Why are women pumping themselves full of hormones so they can serve men?" she said.

Not all women view sex as a chore, as an onerous task performed out of obigation like you do, lady. Just all the ones I've even slept with...

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