Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Gannon Intrigue Revisited

Our favorite penis for hire right-wing shill is in the news again. And I would be remiss if I didn't say - told ya so! From Raw Story:

Guckert made more than 200 appearances at the White House during his two-year tenure with the fledging conservative websites GOPUSA and Talon News, attending 155 of 196 White House press briefings.

Perhaps more notable than the frequency of his attendance, however, is several distinct anomalies about his visits.

Guckert made more than two dozen excursions to the White House when there were no scheduled briefings. On many of these days, the Press Office held press gaggles aboard Air Force One—which raises questions about what Guckert was doing at the White House. On other days, the president held photo opportunities.

On at least fourteen occasions, Secret Service records show either the entry or exit time missing. Generally, the existing entry or exit times correlate with press conferences; on most of these days, the records show that Guckert checked in but was never processed out.
Never processed out? He spent the night? That's so romantic - and expensive, I'm sure!
In March, 2003, Guckert left the White House twice on days he had never checked in with the Secret Service. Over the next 22 months, Guckert failed to check out with the Service on fourteen days. On several of these visits, Guckert either entered or exited by a different entry/exit point than his usual one. [ed. - snuck out the back door?] On one of these days, no briefing was held; on another, he checked in twice but failed to check out.

"I’d be worried if I was the White House and I knew that a reporter with a day pass never left," one White House reporter told RAW STORY. "I’d wonder, where is he hiding? It seems like a security risk."
If spooning with a White House staffer is a security risk, then I don't want to be secure.
Guckert sometimes stayed for an extended period of time before and after press conferences, particularly early in his tenure. This was especially common during his first few months, when he might be in the White House for as long as six hours.
It's always hottest and heaviest in those first few months, isn't it? Then after a while, you get tired of the way his bald head reflects the light in the press room, or the way he says your name when he calls on you to lob a softball question.

Anyway, you heard it here first, except that instead of blackmail it was bribery. Just like a Led Zeppelin concert, if you polish the bouncer's knob before the show, you just might get to meet Jimmy Page... and ask him leading and factually incorrect questions.

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