Just How Evil Can They Be?
Alright, I hope you're sitting down. This one is, I don't know, maybe the single most outrageous thing I've heard from the Right since the inception of DoG.
*deep breath*
The drug companies may have created a vaccine for the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease which is the most common cause of cervical cancer. Cancer. Just repeating to make sure you realize how big of a deal this is. They can wipe this cause of cancer (cancer) right off the map by vaccinating every girl before she becomes sexually active.
Guess who's pro-cancer now? You betcha! The "sex is gross and dirty" abstinence-only jackasses are against this drug. Against a cancer preventing drug!
"The best way to prevent HPV is through abstinence," said Bridget Maher, an analyst at the Family Research Council, a conservative group that expects to campaign against making the vaccines mandatory for entering school. "I see potential harm in giving this vaccine to young women."A drug that prevents women from getting this type of cancer is potentially harmful. Harmful how, do you suppose? Harmful in that the girls, free of the worry of cervical cancer, are going to whore themselves out to every man they pass on the street?
Hey there, grandma, I have GREAT news for you! You still have AIDS, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis, and the classic - telling your daughters that pre-marital semen contains a caustic acid that will rot out her insides, to frighten them from having deadly, dangerous, dirty, gross sex. But for the love of God, let's get on the Curing Cancer Train, you fucking psycho.
What happens when they find a vaccine for AIDS? I wonder if Bush's FDA would even let it go to market. I just... I'm... This is so beyond outrageous.
UPDATE: I'm sorry, I can't let this go, just one more thought. These family values people are against this drug under the pretense of so-called morality, right? But ask yourself - what could be more immoral than condemning a certain percentage of women to a slow and painful death by cancer before they are even old enough to make the decision for themselves? Seriously.