You Say You Want a Revolution
In my ever so charming self-deprecating manner, I sort of underestimated our page views for your humorous benefit in my last post. Whatever. I check the DoG stats out every so often just to see what y’all are into, and yes - I know where you live (or work). To wit, flipping through the visitors this last half hour, I noticed something interesting. See if you can find the pattern:
- Beijing, China
- Hainan, China
- Shandong, China
- Shandong, China
- Beijing, China
- Korea, Republic Of
- Daqing, China
- Heilongjiang, China
I'll take the link and even the "friend" tag, but don't you DARE call me Midewestern. Geography has nothing do do with it - Chicago is an east coast city.
Also, thanks for the FOW link. Rock!
Chicago, I live in an East Coast city; I know East Coast cities. An East Coast city is my favorite place to be. Chicago, you're no East Coast city.
Whatever, Captain Detroit. Last night I went to a gay restauarnt/lounge (great hamburgers, of all things) with two straight friends (a guy and a girl) and we had a 3-hour conversation with two late 40s large-ish black guys about politics, gay marriage, greeting cards, Shakespeare, technology and New Orleans. It was far too robust a conversation to ever take place in a Midwestern city; it was an *expereince* was New was San was not Peoria.
Did you stay until they kicked you out of the bar at 4am? Did you then make the stupid decision to find a place that stays open until dawn where you spotted a celebrity doing blow in the bathroom? When you finally did leave, did you stand under the awning of the bodega next door and have to make the decision whether to catch the train or just drop 10 bucks on a cab? Or instead did you force one of your group to be miserable all night by not drinking so that he or she could chauffeur your ass home in his or her SUV?
Chicago is a cosmopolitan city with intelligent, worldly people, good museums, art, culture, music, fashion, and attractive young women. But just because the bar wasn't in a strip mall filled with meatheads in wifebeaters doesn't mean that you were in New York again.
I would never say Chicago is New York (or Heilongjiang, China for that matter), but last night's experience was not a Midwestern one, and Chicago is not a Midwestern city. It's really that simple.
Also, it's a good thing we holding this conversation in public forum rather than via phone or e-mail like normal people. I'm just saying...
I can agree with you that there is a big difference between Chicago and Iowa City if that's what this is about.
You know, now that you mention it, I've been meaning to talk to you about your new haircut...
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