Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Let There Be No Light

And God said unto Noah, after you get off the boat, take two of each of these creepy eyeless animals and place them in the Great Hidden Cave beneath the Promised Land.

...eight species of animals were found in the cave, all of them unknown to science," said Dr Hanan Dimantman, a biologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He said the cave's ecosystem probably dates back around five million years when the Mediterranean Sea covered parts of Israel.

The cave was completely sealed off from the world, including from water and nutrients seeping through rock crevices above. Scientists who discovered the cave believe it has been intact for millions of years.

"Every species we examined had no eyes which means they lost their sight due to evolution," said Dimantman.
Oh great, evolution again? It’s like a broken record with these bookworms. Prove it was evolution. Were you there, Dr. Dimantman? Did you see their eyes fall off? What a crackpot!

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